Access our services
How to get food
If you are in need of food, visit us:
Every Thursday from 6pm to 8:30pm
72 Main Street, Toronto, ON M4E 2V7
We're located in the basement of the Calvary Baptist Church. The entrance to our food bank is in the back of the church, near the parking lot.
Who can access our food bank
Starting May 16, 2024, we can only serve people who live in our neighborhood.
You can access our food bank if your address is:
Between Coxwell Avenue and Victoria Park Avenue
South of Danforth Avenue to Lake Ontario
Why we have a catchment area
Demand for our food bank has reached unsustainable levels. Applying this address requirement will help ensure that we can continue to serve our neighbours.
Our catchment area
About the registration process
Register in-person
On your first visit, you will need to register for an account:
You don't need an appointment - it takes just a few minutes
We'll get a few details about you and your family
You can use your account at any Daily Bread agency
Clients are limited to one visit per week at Daily Bread food banks.
We offer fresh, nutritious food
Eggs & dairy
Pasta & rice
Bread & cereal
Fresh produce